A Legally Authorized Representative (LAR) provides, or maintains, informed consent on behalf of a research participant. An LAR may help researchers recruit participants who lack decision making capacity, or retain those at risk of losing it. To learn more about working with LARs, click here.
Even when using LARs, it may still be appropriate (or even beneficial) to consider using eConsent. Researchers have created processes to use eConsent with LARs including plans for when they are not on site or traveling to a site.
For more information about using eConsent with LARs, please see the following resources:
- Rai, A.T & Frei, D. (2020). A rationale and framework for seeking remote electronic or phone consent approval in endovascular stroke trials – special relevance in the COVID-19 environment and beyond. J Neurointerv Surg 12(7): 654-657. PMID: 32381522
- Haussen, D.C., Craft, L., Doppelheuer, S., Rodrigues, G.M., Al-Bayait, A.R., et al. (2020). Legal authorized representative experience with smartphone-based electronic informed consent in an acute stroke trial. J Neurointerv Surg 12(5): 483-485. PMID: 31530653
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