The following papers share key findings from the study. We have additional papers under review that we will post when published.
- Mozersky, J., Wroblewski, M. P., Solomon, E. D., & DuBois, J. M. (2020). How are US institutions implementing the new key information requirement?. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 4(4), 365-369.
- Solomon, E. D., Mozersky, J., Baldwin, K., Wroblewski, M. P., Parsons, M. V., Goodman, M., & DuBois, J. M. (2021). Perceived barriers to assessing understanding and appreciation of informed consent in clinical trials: A mixed-method study. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 5(1).
- Solomon, E. D., Mozersky, J., Wroblewski, M. P., Baldwin, K., Parsons, M. V., Goodman, M., & DuBois, J. M. (2022). Understanding the use of optimal formatting and plain language when presenting key information in clinical trials. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 17(1-2), 177-192.
- Sisk, B. A., Baldwin, K., Parsons, M., & DuBois, J. M. (2022). Ethical, regulatory, and practical barriers to COVID-19 research: A stakeholder-informed inventory of concerns. PloS one, 17(3), e0265252.
- Mozersky, J., Solomon, E. D., Baldwin, K., Wroblewski, M. P., Parsons, M. V., Goodman, M., & DuBois, J. M. (2023). Barriers to using Legally Authorized Representatives in clinical research with older adults. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Reports, 7(1), 135-149.
- Solomon, E. D., Mozersky, J., Goodman, M., Parsons, M. V., Baldwin, K., Friedrich, A. B., Harris, J. K., & DuBois, J. M. (2023). A randomized implementation trial to increase adoption of evidence-informed consent practices. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 7(1).
- Sisk, B. A., Foraker, R., & DuBois, J. M. (2023). Navigating Conflicting Interests in Pandemic Research: Preparing the US Research Infrastructure for a Worse Pandemic. The American Journal of Medicine, 136(2), 127-129.
- Friedrich, A. B., Solomon, E. D., Mozersky, J., & DuBois, J. M. (2023, July 17). Using evidence-informed practices to improve eConsent. SoCRA Blog.
- Solomon, E. D. (2024, March 8). Introducing the ConsentTools Toolkit: Promoting Best Practices for Informed Consent. PRIM&R Ampersand Blog.
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